Commenced in the year 2006 by MR. Manish Shami, Adventure Rocks Pvt. Ltd. has marked its position in the industry as one of the most reputed Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Service Provider of adventure sports equipments and projects in the country. We offer the Best Adventure Sports Equipment Online in Delhi. The vastly assorted range of products that are manufactured, it is made sure they are in conformance with the set industry standards, by making the use of the complex technology as well as 100% genuine raw materials from trusted vendors.
We have 20 years of experience in the domain and have contented clientele across the country. We provide the best Climbing Holds Equipments in India. Our state-of-the-art infrastructural facility in New Delhi is equipped with all the important machinery as well as tools, which aids in achieving the firm’s defined purpose as well as goals.
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